Math Boardgames

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Different concepts made into bright and fun boardgames!

Aim For The Stars

Students play in pairs, hiding stars on a grid and guessing where their partner's are.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Ordinal Number Find Boardgame

Students move around the gameboard, finding the picture that matches the ordinal number (up to 27).

3 Pages (different colour options)
Grades: K-2.


Up and Down Game 1 - Boardgame

Students work their way around the board, adding or subtracting various numbers.
Level 1 - adding and subtracting 1 digit numbers.
Also includes scoring cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: K-1.


Up and Down Game 2 - Boardgame

Students work their way around the board, adding or subtracting various numbers.
Level 2 - adding and subtracting up to 3 digits (on the decade)
Also includes scoring cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Up and Down Game 3 - Boardgame

Students work their way around the board, adding or subtracting various numbers.
Level 3 - adding and subtracting up to 3 digits (off the decade)
Also includes scoring cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: 5-6.


Catalogue Boardgame

Game to be used with any basic catalogue, eg: supermarket, bookclub, specialty store.
Students work their way around the gameboard finding items that match the costing required.
Great addition to a money unit.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.


Change Game - Maths Boardgame

Choose a starting amount and students can work out the change.
Easy and advanced games, plus a blank board for personalisation.
Easy (normal amounts under $10), Advanced (odd amounts under $100)
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Round and Round - Maths Boardgame

Students work their way around the game board rounding up or down to the nearest 10 or 100.
Includes blank sheet for personalisation.
Easy and hard boardgames.
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Spending and Saving - Boardgame

A game where students earn and spend money as they travel around the board.
Whoever has the most at the end, wins!
6 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.


Friends of 10 and 20 - Boardgame

Students work their way around the board and state how many more will make 10 (or 20).
They are given a grid to help them.
4 Pages.
Grades: K-2.


Target Add

Students throw a small game piece onto the mat and see where it lands. They record the score, adding up as they play along.
3 difficulty levels + modification included for even harder game play + optional scorecard.
Grades: K-6.


Alien Bop - Maths Boardgame

Roll the dice, find the number and move along.
Includes 2 boardgames for 1 and 2 dice.
Grades: K-2.


Race Around Australia - Board Game

Utilises gorgeous Australian clipart. Students race around the board looking at different Australian animals and collecting points.

Full colour only. Includes 2 Gameboards - one addition, one multiplication + Scorecards

Grades: K-6.


Piggy Bank Savings - Board Game

Students work their way around the board collecting specific amounts of plastic toy money and adding up the total.
Grades: 1-4.


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