English Boardgames

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Vital skills made into boardgames for your students to enjoy!

Which Punctuation? - Boardgame

Students make their way around the gameboard, adding punctuation to the various sentences.
3 Pages.
Grades 2-6.


Alphabet Jump - Boardgame

Students jump along the game saying each letter name, then thinking of a word for the letter that they stop on.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-1.


I Know That Sound! Onomatopoeia Boardgame

Students work their way around the gameboard naming objects or actions that make the sound of the space they land on.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Which Vowels Fit? - Boardgame

A game where students say all the real words they can make for each space, putting in the different vowels.
Eg: From c__t, you could make cat, cot, cut.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.


Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives Boardgame

Students move around the board and name 1+ nouns, verbs or adjectives about the topic they land on. Eg: Train adjective - long, shiny, fast, metal.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Blissful Blends - Boardgame

A boardgame going through the different blends.
Students find a matching picture for the blend they land on.
Coloured copy only.
Grades: K-3.


Super Spelling Boardgame

Use this boardgame with any spelling list.
Each space gives students a different mini activity to complete, eg: how many syllables, spell the word out, etc.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.


Alien Categories - Boardgame

Students work out which category the given words fit into.
Eg: Whiskers, claws, fur.
Grades: 3-6.


Who Is It - Boardgame

A boardgame asking about occupations in the community, eg: Who sells meat?
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.


The Answer Is - Boardgame

An engaging boardgame where students are given the answer and have to think up the questions!
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.


Word Builder - Boardgame

Students start with a base word and add on to it. 1 point for each new word they make.
Eg: Walk - walks, walked, walking, walker.
Grades: 3-6.


Collective Nouns - Boardgame

A boardgame asking students to complete 3 different questions: Name a collective grouping, make up a grouping, or name things that fit into one.
Quite simple and has gorgeous graphics!
Grades: 3-6.


In Code - Board Game

Travel around the board, cracking the different codes.
Uses numbers and letters.
Grades: 3-6.


In Common - Boardgame

Students work their way around the gameboard, stating what the given items have in common.
Many different options for gameplay.
Grades: 2-6.


Plural Play - Boardgame

Roll dice and move around the board, thinking up the plural form of the noun you land on. Eg: One dog — Two dogs
Does get trickier, eg: Plural of tooth.
Grades: 2-4.


It's Boring (Synonyms) - Boardgame

Move around the game board thinking up better words that mean the same thing (synonyms).
Grades: 2-6


Leapfrog Letters - Boardgame

A letter recognition game with a frog theme.
Ideas for extension included.
Grades: K-1


Form A Sentence - Boardgame

Students are asked to make up an interesting sentence when given 3 unrelated words.
(3 printing options available)
Grades: 1-4.


Superhero Compound Words - Boardgame

Students fly along with the superhero dog trying to make up compound words.
Eg: Cup could be teacup or cupcake.
Colour copy only.
Grades: 5-6


Spoonerisms - Boardgame

This is a fun boardgame playing with 'spoonerisms' (switching initial sounds of words).
Eg: Formed Wish = Warmed Fish.
Grades: 3-6.


Book Study - Boardgame

This board game works with any book.
Students move around the board and answer questions relating to their book, eg: author, suggest a different setting.
Full colour only.
Grades: 2-6.


Fact Find - Board Game

This board game gets students to use their general knowledge about various subjects.
Grades: 2-6.


Triple Tongue Twisters - Board Game

Fun tongue twisters incorporated into a board game.

Students will enjoy trying to pronounce the words, and will laugh at any mistakes too!

Colour copy only.

Grades: 2-6


Clown Town Rhyme Time - Board Game

This is the sequel to 'Sky High Rhyme Time'. Students move around the board, and think up rhyming words.
Brightly coloured and interesting design.
Full colour copy only.
Grades: 1-4.


Sky High Rhyme Time - Board Game

As students land on spaces, they think up rhyming words.
Brightly coloured and interesting design.
Full colour copy only.
Grades: K-2.


Opposite Hop - Board Game

An outer space board game where children say the opposite of given words.
Full Colour only.
Grades: K-3


Making Better Sentences - Board Game

Students are asked to make better sentences as they move around the board.
Add in adjectives and extra phrases.
Colour copy only.
Grades: 1-3.


How Many Syllables? - Board Game

Helps students practise counting syllables in words.
Get them to clap or put their hand on their jaw.
Colour copy only.
Grades: K-3


Roll, Read and Do - Literacy Game

A cute game for 2-4 players. Students roll the dice, move around the board and complete the action required, eg: clap hands, play scissors-paper-rock.
Grades: 1-4.


Bossy 'E' Game - Board Game

This game shows cvc words, and asks students to work out what the new word will be when the 'Bossy E' is added.
4 pages - 2 branded 'Bossy E', and 2 branded 'Magic E'.
Grades: K-2.


I Spy - Board Game

A good old fashioned game of eye spy... on a board game!

This is in colour format only.
Grades: K-2.


Chase The Rainbow - Board Game

Students race around the gameboard, chasing the rainbow and solving simple cvc problems.
Grades K-2.


Pair of Pairs - Board Game

Contains a beginner and advanced game board for this homophone game.
Students move around the game board coming up with sentences to differentiate

words that sound the same but have different meanings.
Grades 2-6


Name 6 (Advanced) - Board Game

This is the advanced version of 'Name 4'.
Students move around the game board thinking up 6 examples of many more

Grades 4-6.


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