Literacy Stations
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This section is for all your Literacy needs - spelling, grammar, phonics and more!
These resources are especially valuable for rotating Literacy groups.
Hundreds of reading group activities and games for L3 and Daily 5.
Activities are colourful, fun, interesting and engaging!
Lots of hands on games that link to the syllabus and progressions.
Sense Writing 3
Timed Spelling
One Way Words
Students make words from letters going only in the same direction of the alphabet.
2 Pages.
Grades 3-6.
Numbered Sentences
Consonant and Vowel Search
Adjective Planning
Around The Room Learning
Sense Writing 2
Sentence Lengths
Pages and Numbers
Make Words
Word Mapping
Explore words in depth. Find dictionary definitions, use in sentences, word build and find examples.
Unplugged Coding
More and Less Letters
Grades K-6
Only Capitals - Literacy Station
Seeing Double - Literacy Station
A Letter At A Time
Students look through their texts to find a word that has 1 letter, then 2 letters, etc.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-6.
Direction Connections 2 - Literacy Station
A fun literacy station where students try to make the most words possible using the given letters.
6 different cards.
12 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Buddy Spelling - Literacy Station
Students spell their words out orally using voices decided by a dice roll.
Grades: 1-6.
2 Pages.
First and Last Words - Literacy Station
Students scan through their texts and write down the first and last words of each sentence.
Grades: K-6.
2 Pages.
Rewriting Nouns - Literacy Station
Students find a noun in their book, think up possible adjectives to describe it, then rewrite the sentence.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Common and Proper Nouns
Students scan their texts and decide whether the noun is common or proper and write the word in its correct category.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-6.
Letter Investigation - Literacy Station
Students write all about the target letter. Prompts include writing it in upper/lowercase, finding words beginning with that letter, etc.
Alphabet strips included.
4 Pages.
Grades: K-2.
Position Spelling - Maths/Lit Station
Students spell out names or words using a coordinate grid.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Number, Letter, Word, Sentence Sort
Students sort strips of numbers, letters, words and sentences into their correct category, or write their own example of each.
6 Pages (Includes 4 pages of sorting strips).
Grades: K-3.
Word Connections 2 - Literacy Station
Students connect one letter/group from the first, second and third box and try to make words.
Students write the words below the boxes and then write some sentences (stories) with the words they have found.
14 different middle sounds. 28 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Position Letters - Literacy Station
Students write their name across the top of the sheet.
They then look through their text to find words with letters in the same position as they occur in their name.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Guess My Letters - Literacy Station
Students play in pairs and select 4 letters. They try to find out their partner's letters before their partner guesses theirs.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-6.
Character Information - Literacy Station
Students write down the name of a character from their book, and then any information they can gather from the text.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Hopscotch Words - Literacy/Spelling Station
Students write sight words or spelling words in the spaces, and use their fingers to play a game of hopscotch and say/spell the words as they jump along.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-6.
Blasting Blends - Literacy Station
Students look through their text then write down words matching the target blends.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-6.
Dictionary Entry - Literacy Station
Students find the definition of a word, and investigate the part of speech and how to use it in a sentence.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Letter Sort - Literacy Station
Students sort letters according to their properties (straight, curved, both).
2 Pages.
Grades: K-3.
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines) 7 - Literacy Station
This activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and
how to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least
Topics include fair-unfair, early-late, etc.
Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each).
Grades: 3-6.
Comprehending Grid
Students write what the text actually says, what it means, and then what they think about it.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Pyramid Sentences - Literacy Station
Students write a sentence by adding one part of speech at a time.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Phonetic Alphabet - Literacy/Spelling Station
Students are introduced to the phonetic alphabet.
They are asked to work with a partner and spell out text/spelling words.
Eg: Partner 1 says 'Hotel. India', then their partner writes down corresponding letters.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Morse Code - Literacy/Spelling Station
Students write out spelling words or a sentence for a partner to solve using Morse Code.
An explanation is provided on what Morse Code is, and how to complete the activity.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Cool Codes 3 - Literacy/Spelling Station
This time the students are asked to make up the codes! Students then write out spelling words or something for a partner to solve!
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Cool Codes 2 - Literacy/Spelling Station
Students are given a different coded alphabet and they write out spelling words or something for a partner to solve!
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Cool Codes - Literacy/Spelling Station
Students are given a coded alphabet and they write out spelling words or something for a partner to solve!
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Brilliant Braille - Literacy Station
Students are shown the braille alphabet and are asked to write out their spelling words or a sentence in braille for a partner to solve.
Put this up on the Smartboard and use as a whole class activity!
4 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Word Writing - Literacy/Spelling Station
Roll a dice and write your spelling or sight word out in the corresponding style.
18 different styles, including: bumpy, fancy, opposite hand, eyes closed, etc.
6 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Making Connections - Literacy Station
Students find parts of their book that link to their life, other texts and the world.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
About The Book - Literacy Station
Student write down the characters in their text and describe them.
They also list the settings (when and where), then record adjectives for those.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Reciprocal Reading Pack
Teach students how to run their own Reading Groups!
To be used for self-regulation.
Pack includes 12 different role cards with simple instructions and tracking sheets.
8 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Letters, Sounds and Syllables - Literacy Station
Students find words in their spelling list or a book, then complete the table.
They write down how many letters are in the word, how many sounds and how many syllables.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Dictionary Vocabulary - Literacy Station
Students find unknown words in their text, write down what they think the words mean, then look them up in a dictionary.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Texting Words - Literacy Station
Students 'text' their spelling words, then write down the corresponding 'phone numbers'.
Eg: cat = 228
2 Pages.
Grades: K-3.
Alphabet Hunt - Literacy Station
Students search books, newspapers or magazines to find words that begin with each letter or contain each punctuation mark.
They cross out the letter/mark as they find it.
Grades: K-6.
2 Pages.
Dictionary Digging - Literacy Station
Students write their word and then complete the grid, looking in a dictionary and answering which page the word is on and what the 2 guide words are.
This helps to teach important dictionary skills.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6
Dictionary Before & After - Literacy Station
Students write their word in the middle column, then look in a dictionary to see what word comes before it and after it.
This helps to teach important dictionary skills.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6
What's Left? - Literacy Station
Students cross out words that match the listed concepts, eg: animals, vehicles, etc.
One word will be left over at the end.
10 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Sound Station - Literacy Station
Students get a target sound and have to think up words where the sound is at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end.
5 Pages (3 pages sound cards)
Grades: 2-6.
Morning Tracing
Set out for students to trace each morning.
Students can either practise tracing all letters/numbers, or you can specify and see if they can locate the correct letter/number to trace.
2nd page variety with instructions, eg: sounding out, writing names.
All school fonts.
8 Pages
Grades: K-1
Super List - Literacy Station
Students choose a letter then write as many examples that fit the category as possible.
4 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Snakey Words - Literacy Station
Students make a snake by adding new words that start with the same letter to what the previous one ends with.
Eg: Star - Race - Eat
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Prepositions - Literacy Station
Roll the dice to see where to draw the pictures.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-2.
Texting Phones - Literacy Station
Students pretend to text their spelling/sight words to a friend with these 'texters'.
Recording sheet included to write down the numbers students are texting.
4 Pages.
Grades: K-4.
Testing Word Families 2 - Literacy Station
Students choose a letter and put it in front of each word family to see if it creates a real word.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-2.
Strategy Words - Literacy Station
Roll 4 dice, find the corresponding letter and place it strategically in boxes to make words.
Letters cannot be moved once they are placed.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Numbered Words - Literacy Station
Students roll the dice 6 times and come up with a sentence using words with the corresponding number of letters.
Extend students by rolling additional times.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Listening Post - Literacy Station
An activity to go with the classroom listening post.
Asks questions about what students hear.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.
Ransom Cut-Outs - Literacy Station
Students cut and paste these letters to make a ransom note, practise spelling/sight words or just have fun!
3 different coloured versions to choose from!
3 Pages.
Grades: K-6.
Combo Hunt - Literacy Station
This activity gives students a range of letters for them to match to words.
Can use reading books or dictionary.
Grades: 1-6.
2 Pages.
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines) 6 - Literacy Station
This activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and
how to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least
Topics include wild-tame, tight-loose, etc. Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each)
Grades: 3-6.
Challenge Words - Literacy Station
Students need to think up as many words that start and end with the given letters.
Aim is to find a word with the most letters as possible (this can be used as a class competition).
10 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Letter Sentences - Literacy Station
Randomly select letter cards, write them on the game sheet (or in writing book), and make up a sentence so that each word starts with the corresponding letter chosen.
Eg: T S W N - Two snails were napping.
4 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Direction Connections - Literacy Station
A fun literacy station where students try to make the most words possible using the given letters.
6 different cards.
12 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Word Family Swap Cards - Literacy Station
Students are asked to start with one word and swap the beginning letter over and over again to practise different word families.
Teachers can use these as a class game or modeling as well.
30 cards.
Grades: K-2.
Grammar Hunt - Literacy Station
Use a book to hunt for different features, eg: contractions, connectives, and homophones, etc.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Word Ladder and Web - Literacy Station
Ladder: Students write words from their book, with one letter more each time.
Web: Students have a central topic and write words to do with it all around.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.
Common Word Find - Literacy Station
Place a tally mark for each time you find one of the common words listed.
There are 14 words to find.
4 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Quote It - Literacy Station
Find quotes from various texts and graffiti the page!
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Verb Tenses - Literacy Station
Students go through and find verbs from their text and write the past, present and future tenses of each.
Download also includes verb cards.
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Plural Power - Literacy Station
Students find words in their texts that can be made into plurals.
They put the words into categories according to the stated rules, eg: adding 's', 'es', etc.
2 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Roll A Rhyme - Literacy Station
Students roll the dice and write one rhyming word for the number they land on in the correct column of the grid. (Repeat)
4 different mats.
8 Pages.
Grades: K-3
Sentence Maker Mat - Literacy Station
Students mix and match words on the sentence mat to create funny sentences.
There are many different combinations that can be made.
8 different mats + instructions included.
16 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.
Make A List - Literacy Station
Students are given a category and they need to list 8 things that satisfy the criteria.
Eg: things that are round, nouns, objects made from chocolate.
40 different categories.
21 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Where In The Outback? - Literacy/Math Station
A literacy station for talking and listening. (Or a maths station for position!)
Students hide objects on their farm and their partner guesses where they are!
3 Pages.
Grades: 1-6
Clued In - Literacy Station
Students are given a grid of random words (some from the same category).
One student needs to give clues to their partner to see if they can guess the right word.
Eg: A Pet - Is it a cat? Is it a dog? Players will need to wait for more clues.
8 Pages.
Grades: 2-8.
The A-Z - Literacy Station
Students write a list on a specific topic using each letter of the alphabet.
Eg: Sports: A-Archery, B-Badminton, etc.
Pack includes 40 topic cards.
7 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Word Mission - Literacy Station
Students can use these mission mats as a competition to see what score they can get by putting in more complicated synonyms, or by rolling two dice and using the corresponding words. Students can also just use these as a reference guide when writing.
Blank grid included for personalisation.
6 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
After The Common Word - Literacy Station
Students find common words (eg: the) in their texts and write down the word that follows.
2 Pages.
Grades: K-3.
Word Family Mix & Match 2 - Literacy Station
Slightly harder than previous version (beginning blends).
Students mix and match the beginning and ends to see how many words they can come up with.
14 Pages, 2 Game play options.
Grades: K-2.
Sound Match Mats - Literacy Station
Match alphabet letters to the correct sound.
Page 1 has the alphabet in order. Page 2 has all the letters mixed up to make students really think.
Play with either lowercase or uppercase letters (or both).
4 different coloured mats, alphabet cards and instructions included.
Grades: K-2.
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines) 5 - Literacy Station
This activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and
how to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least
Topics include deep-shallow, wet-dry, etc. Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each)
Grades: 3-6.
Word Connections
Students connect one letter/group from the first, second and third box and try to make words.
Students write the words below the boxes and then write some sentences (stories) with the words they have found.
16 different middle sounds.
32 Pages. Grades: 2-6.
Roll and Draw - Literacy Station
Like our 'Roll A Sentence' resource, students roll a dice 6 times, getting different parts to draw.
2 different difficulty levels.
4 Pages.
Grades 1-4.
Word Work Task Cards - Literacy Station
Task cards requiring 5 different activities to be completed for each type of word, eg: words with 4 letters, contractions, verbs, etc.
Cards make students think and can be completed over and over again.
18 tasks cards.
Grades: 3-6+.
Capitals, Lowercase, Full Stops - Literacy Station
Students search through their texts finding words that start with a capital letter, start with a lowercase letter or end with a full stop.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.
Alpha Gaps - Literacy Station
Students are given a series of letters in order and have to fill in the letter that is missing.
1 letter missing, and 2 letters missing.
16 Pages.
Grades K-1.
Word Prediction - Literacy Station
Students predict what words they think will be in their text.
Students then write actual words they found.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Change Along - Literacy Station
Students are given task cards where they have to change 1 letter to make a new word. Once they have made a new word, they change another 1 letter to make a different word. This continues along. Eg: Ring-Sing-Sink-Sank-Bank-Bang-Bans-Buns...
6 Pages (24 Activities).
Grades: 2-6.
Occupation Map
Students write all about different jobs. What the person does, says, is and is not.
6 Pages (including 32 occupation cards).
Grades: 1-4.
Growing Grid
A simple word is written at the top, and then students think up words with 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 letters that start the same as the beginning word.
4 Pages.
Grades: 2-6.
Character Grid - Literacy Station
Students investigate what traits the characters in their books contain.
Easy grid format to complete.
2 Pages.
Grades 1-4.
Expressions Pack - Reading Cards/Game
Pack includes 12 Expression cards and 30 Speaking cards to use as a game.
Students say the phrase in the voice chosen, or simply read out a passage from their text.
14 Pages.
Grades K-6.
Spelling Tally - Spelling Station
Students put a tally mark for each time a letter is used in their spelling words.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-6.
Concepts About Print - Code+Workbook (Story)
Students are asked to use highlighters to mark different concepts about print (eg: full stops, capital letters, etc).
Teacher Brain has teamed up with a local author to produce a mini workbook with a sweet story.
Can be used with ANY text you wish.
3 Difficulty Levels and Instructions included.
Grades: 1-6.
Concepts About Print - Code+Workbook
Students are asked to use highlighters to mark different concepts about print (eg: full stops, capital letters, etc).
A mini workbook is included with nursery rhymes.
Can be used with ANY text you wish.
3 Difficulty Levels and Instructions included.
Grades: 1-6.
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines) 4 - Literacy Station
This activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and
how to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least
Topics include more-less, strong-weak, etc. Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each)
Grades: 3-6.
Tall and Short Letters - Literacy Station
Students look through their books and find words that have corresponding letter patterns to the activity sheet.
2 Pages.
Grades: 1-4.
Testing Word Families - Literacy Station
Students choose a letter and put it in front of each word family to see if it creates a real word.
2 activity sheets, 4 pages.
Grades: K-2.
Spelling Spread - Spelling Station
Divide your spelling words up and state the first letter, last letter, vowels, blends, etc.
2 difficulty levels.
Grades: 1-6.
Word Family Mix And Match - Literacy Station
14 Pages, 2 Game play options.
Grades: K-2.
Write Your Own Tongue Twister - Literacy Station
Breaks down each part of the sentence so it is easy to manage!
Grades: 2-4
Wacky Words - Literacy Station
They then decide if it is a real word or a wacky one that makes no sense!
4 Pages.
Grades: K-3.
Don't Say It - Talking, Listening, Thinking Game
These cards contain mystery objects that students need to get their team/class to guess, along with ‘banned’ words that cannot be said in any form.
2 ways for game play included.
24 different cards included.
Grades: 2-6.
Mega Word - Literacy Station
Can you unscramble the Mega Word too?!
A fun literacy station where students can use the hunting sheet, or their own books.
14 pages (7 coloured)
Grades: 2-6.
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines) 3
This activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and
how to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least
Topics include sick-well, noisy-quiet, etc. Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each)
Grades: 3-6.
Handwriting Roll - Literacy Station
Contains Capital and Lower Case letter traces.
4 Pages.
Grades: K-2.
Senses - Literacy Station
Can be done time and time again with new objects!
Grades: 2-6.
Grid Words - Literacy Station
A scoring chart helps to determine who has the highest score!
Grades 5-6.
Looking For Letters - Literacy Station
Like a word search for specific letters. You choose the letter, students find it.
Can be used again and again with a different letter each time.
4 pages, lower case letters and mixed.
Grades: K-3.
Rocket Bingo
Includes letters to cut up, or use a scattergories dice.
This uses CAPITAL letters.
Grades: K-2.
Bubblegum Bingo
Includes letters to cut up, or use a scattergories dice.
This is in lower case.
Grades: K-2.
Letter Find - Literacy/Spelling Station
Like a reverse wordsearch.
Grades: 1-4.
How Many Letters? - Literacy Station
2 difficulty levels.
Grades: K-4.
Easy Poetry - Literacy Station
Grades: 1-4.
Alpha-Match - Literacy Station
Grades: K.
All About - Literacy Station
Grades: 1-4.
Puzzle Words - Literacy/Vocab Scavenger Hunt
These puzzle pieces get pinned up around the room with a single letter written on each.
Students find the pieces and write the letters down in order to spell out a secret word.
Use spelling/sight words or new vocabulary. Black and white copy only.
Grades: K-6.
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines) 2
activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and how
to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least extreme.
Topics include near-far, long-short, etc. Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each)
Grades: 3-6.
Vocabulary Use - Poster
This poster is to teach the whole class new words.
Vocabulary is selected each week, and class needs to find ways to incorporate it into their work over the week and keep a tally.
Grades: 3-6.
Vocabulary Grid
A great way to teach new vocabulary!
Activities include writing a definition, put it in a sentence and writing down some examples of the word.
Grades: 3-6
Vocabulary Ladders (Clines)
This activity teaches students that more exciting words can be used, and how to scale words. They make a ladder from most extreme to least extreme.
Topics include hot-cold, big-little, etc. Contains 8 ladders (8-12 words each)
Grades: 3-6.
Similes - Literacy Station
Pick a different topic each time. Space for students to write 'as hot as', and 'as colourful as'.
Grades: 1-6.
Chatterbox - Spelling Station
Classic game where you fold the paper to make a chatterbox and spell out words, then reveal a secret message. Great way to spice up spelling!
3 black and white versions included, with instructions.
Grades: 2-6.
Pick The Apples - Literacy Station
Eg: Girl's name, a day, etc.
Grades: 1-6.
Rainbow Writing - Spelling Station
A much more exciting way to get spelling done!
Grades: 1-6.
Don't Get Splashed! - Literacy/Spelling Station
This game is just like 'Hangman', but is a lot more child friendly!
One player chooses a word, and another has to guess it, one letter at a time, before using up all their chances.
Grades: K-6
What are Your Words Worth? - Literacy/Spelling Station
Grades: 1-6.
Vowels and Consonants - Literacy Station
Students find words and work out how many vowels and consonants they contain.
It then asks students to write a number sentence or fraction using the numbers.
Grades: 1-4.
Octoread Cards - Literacy Station
Full colour only.
Grades: K-2.
CVC Clown Cards - Literacy Station
Colour copy only. Contains some cutting.
Grades: K-2.
Letters In Your Name- Literacy/Spelling Station
Grades: K-4.
Syllable Clap - Literacy/Spelling Station
Words from reading books, spelling words or classmates' names can be used.
Grades: K-4.
Secret Word - Literacy Station
A fun game where students guess their partner's secret word.
Contains 9 pages: 3 levels (cvc, ccvc, harder blends), and blank for theme words)
Extra page full of instructions and extended ideas.
Grades: K-3.
Scissors, Paper, Rock - Literacy/Spelling Station
Grades: 1-6
Roll A Sentence - Literacy Station
A fun little dice game to make sentences, one word at a time.
Each time you play will give you a different sentence!
Contains sheets for simple and tricky play, and a proforma for students to make up their own words.
6 Pages.
Grades: K-2
Alpha-Grid Advanced - Literacy Station
Two different pages, more advanced than 'Alpha-Grid'.
This has more letters and categories.
Grades 4-6.
Words On A Page - Literacy Station
Grades 1-4.
Types Of Adjectives - Literacy Station
Students decide which category the adjectives in their books fall under.
Grades 1-4.
Types Of Nouns - Literacy Station
Students work out if the nouns in their book are people, places or things.
Grades 1-4.
Book Search - Literacy Station
Students search through their books finding as many nouns, verbs and adjectives that they can.
Grades 1-4.
Syllable Sort - Literacy/Spelling Station
Grades 1-4.
Words I Know - Literacy/Spelling Station
This can be used with reading books of spelling words. Students go through the words and decide if they have seen the word before, know the meaning, or not know the word
at all.
Grades 1-4.
Number Of Letters In Words - Literacy Station
Students search through their book to find the number of letters in various words and place them in the correct spot on the grid.
Grades 1-4.
Parts Of My Book - Literacy Station
After reading their book, students write what happened in the beginning, middle and end.
Grades 2-4.
What Letters Are In Your Words - Literacy Station
Students tally how many times each letter is used on a page of their book.
Students can predict the outcome, and compare it to each time they complete
this activity.
Grades 1-6.
Find Words That - Literacy Station
Students look for words in their books that start and end with certain letters, and contain double letters.
Grades 1-4.
Capital Letter Hunt - Literacy Station
Students use their reading book to find capital letters and write down why the capital was used.
Grades 1-4.
Alphabet Pattern Block Mats - Black and White
Pattern blocks forming all letters of the alphabet in Australian school fonts.
Includes Upper and Lower case letters.
Contains Australian formation of letters 'k' and 'q'.